Rainbow Theology

Bridging Race, Sexuality, and Spirit

Patrick S. Cheng

Seabury Books

Apr/2013, 208 Pages, Paperback, 6 x 9

ISBN: 9781596272415



To date, no book has systematically examined the theological writings of LGBT people of color. Nor has any book explored how such writings might actually transform contemporary theological reflections on race and sexuality. This book remedies these gaps by constructing a rainbow theology around the theme of bridging or mediation. Rainbow Theology is the first book to reflect upon the theological significance of the intersections of race and queer sexuality across multiple ethnic and cultural groups. This is particularly important in light of the current polarizing debates over issues of race, sexuality, and religion within churches and communities of faith around the world.

The Rev. Dr. Patrick S. Cheng is associate professor of historical and systematic theology at Episcopal Divinity School, Cambridge, MA. He holds degrees from Union Theological Seminary, Harvard Law School and Yale College. He is the author of the highly regarded books Radical Love: An Introduction to Queer Theology and From Sin to Amazing Grace: Discovering the Queer Christ, both from Seabury Books. He lives in New York City.

“This is a landmark book. It not only brings to the center of theological reflection the silenced but vibrant voices of LGBTIQ persons of color, but it charts ground-breaking directions for religious thought, church practices, and social and political analysis.”—Kelly Brown Douglas, Goucher College, Author of Sexuality and the Black Church: A Womanist Perspective

“With characteristic grace, Cheng not only turns the complex categories of race and sexuality into accessible speech, he links them to spirit without missing a beat.” —Laurel C. Schneider, Vanderbilt University, Author of Beyond Monotheism: A Theology of Multiplicity

“Patrick Cheng is one of the first theologians to substantively engage queer of color critique, thus fundamentally challenging the parameters of not only queer theology, but theology as a whole. The book is truly groundbreaking.”—Andrea Smith, University of California, Riverside, Author of Native Americans and the Christian Right: The Gendered Politics of Unlikely Alliances

“In a world dominated by a binary, either-or, monochromatic approach to diversity, Rainbow Theology challenges us to recover a place where a multiplicity of experiences and identities are held in creative tension.”—Eric H. F. Law, Kaleidoscope Institute, Author of Holy Currencies: Six Blessings for Sustainable Missional Ministries

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