Those Seven References

A Study of "Homosexuality" in the Bible and Its Impact on the Queer Community of Faith

John F. Dwyer

Morehouse Publishing

Mar/2021, 128 Pages, Paperback, 5.5 x 8.5

ISBN: 9781640653375



A thoughtful analysis of the faulty rationale behind Christian anti-gay bias.

There have been enormous strides toward equality for the queer community in recent years. There have also been regressive local legislative actions seeking to limit those national steps toward equality. Many of those who have led these regressive efforts are individuals steeped in purposeful ignorance, bias, tribalism, and a radicalization of faithful beliefs, misleading their congregations and influencing legislators.

Personhood, the intense value of our individuality, cannot be made less by these few passages of scripture: God’s love for our uniqueness is not compromised by oft misinterpreted verses. Having knowledge and words to counter baseless accusations can disarm those who would use these passages as weapons of exclusion and judgement, and can empower the queer community to live confidently in God’s love.

JOHN F. DWYER is an Episcopal priest who has served the church in both seminary and parish settings, and had legal and corporate work experiences prior to being ordained. Throughout his life, he searched for ways to witness to and express the all-inclusive love of God, particularly as a married gay man. He lives in Berkeley, California.

“This fine and easily accessible book offers what the Apostle Paul has called ‘a more excellent way’ that reads the Bible in terms of love rather than hate, hope rather than fear.” —Mark Wingfield, Executive Director and Publisher, Baptist News Global, and author of Why Churches Need to Talk About Sexuality“. . . . this book offers a valuable and accessible resource for those who are wrestling with the specific challenge of reading and interpreting scripture faithfully – and it holds a vison of welcome and inclusion where for too long there was only thought to be judgment.”—Modern Believing “In this careful scholarly work, John Dwyer provides preachers, pastors, and Christians wrestling with these texts new ways to understand their full meaning and challenge their misuse.” —The Rev. Gay Clark Jennings, President, House of Deputies of the Episcopal Church “John Dwyer masterfully navigates the reader through a biblical journey of re-discovery. . . . This is a must-read not only for the LGBTQIA+ community but also for anyone who seeks to be an ally in the building of the Beloved Community.”—The Rt. Rev. Deon K. Johnson, Eleventh Bishop of Missouri

"God’s love for LGBTQ people is not limited by misuse of a few scriptures, as this intelligent yet accessible work explains. The faulty rationale behind Christian anti-gay bias is revealed. It provides knowledge and words to empower queer Christians and counter baseless accusations by those who use these passages as weapons of exclusion."—Q Spirit

—Q Spirit

“This fine and easily accessible book offers what the Apostle Paul has called ‘a more excellent way’ that reads the Bible in terms of love rather than hate, hope rather than fear.” —Mark Wingfield, Executive Director and Publisher, Baptist News Global, and author of Why Churches Need to Talk About Sexuality

“John Dwyer masterfully navigates the reader through a biblical journey of re-discovery. . . . This is a must-read not only for the LGBTQIA+ community but also for anyone who seeks to be an ally in the building of the Beloved Community.” —The Rt. Rev. Deon K. Johnson, Eleventh Bishop of Missouri

“In this careful scholarly work, John Dwyer provides preachers, pastors, and Christians wrestling with these texts new ways to understand their full meaning and challenge their misuse.” —The Rev. Gay Clark Jennings, President, House of Deputies of the Episcopal Church

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