Soul Stages

Surviving and Thriving in the Second Half of Life

Christopher Chamberlin Moore

Morehouse Publishing

Nov/2021, 128 Pages, Paperback, 5.5 x 8.5

ISBN: 9781640654327



What would it be like to live the second half of your life with real enthusiasm?

Each stage of life is a “soul stage,” filled with its own promises, challenges and opportunities. With humor and a generous sharing of personal anecdotes drawn from over forty years in ministry, Chris Moore speaks to the challenges of adults attempting not only to survive but even thrive during the latter part of their journey. He gently encourages readers to draw inspiration and relevance from the vibrant personalities of the Bible, even as we navigate modern challenges.

Soul Stages is written for people who want affirmation that the second half of life presents different challenges and opportunities than the first but is no less fulfilling. Readers will be able to see transitions as opportunities for spiritual and emotional growth, rather than as problems to be solved.

CHRISTOPHER CHAMBERLIN MOORE has more than forty years’ experience ministering in The Episcopal Church. A nationally recognized conference leader, he is the author of What I REALLY Want to Do, Opening the Clergy Parachute, and Solitude: A Neglected Path to God. He has written for many denominational, Christian, and secular publications, and won an Emmy Award for Excellence in Religious Broadcasting. He lives near Philadelphia, Pennsylvania.

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