Shaped by Worship

Liturgy and Formation

Juan M. C. Oliver

Church Publishing

Sep/2022, 80 Pages, Paperback, 5 x 7

ISBN: 9781640655904



The newest book in the Little Books on Liturgy series, focused on the intersection of liturgy and formation.

Juan Oliver, Custodian of the Book of Common Prayer, outlines why rituals and liturgy have great meaning in forming individuals and communities. His work is focused on topics such as the sacraments, worship, mystery and the sacred.

Ideal for group or individual study in churches, seminaries, and schools of ministry.

Praise for Juan Oliver's previous work:

"Juan Oliver offers us the gift of 'disclosure of meaning' in this most helpful volume."

—Louis Weil, James F. Hodges Professor of Liturgics Emeritus at the Church Divinity School of the Pacific

" . . . invaluable to parish clergy . . . "

—J. Neil Alexander, Dean, Sewanee School of Theology

JUAN OLIVER has served in a variety of ministerial positions as vicar, interim rector, acting canon to the ordinary, and as an academic and professor. Dr. Oliver has published widely on worship and Latino ministry. Ripe Fields: The Promise and Challenge of Latino Ministry was published in 2009; A House of Meanings: Christian Worship in Plain Language in 2020. The Rev. Dr. Oliver is the former custodian of the Book of Common Prayer and lives in Santa Fé, New Mexico.

Praise for the Little Books on Liturgy series:

“These little books are a scripturally and theologically grounded series that guides the reader to engage and answer the question through the lens of the Anglican liturgical and lectionary traditions. I will return to these books often as I continue to live this question in both liturgy and life.”—The Rt. Rev. Jennifer Baskerville-Burrows, bishop, Episcopal Diocese of Indianapolis

“The Little Books on Liturgy series is a gift to the church that will inspire parish conversations, liturgy planners, and individual study. These are great resources that deserve wide circulation and broad engagement.”—The Rt. Rev. J. Neil Alexander, author of Celebrating Liturgical Time

"This is the book Juan Oliver was born to write. With the fluency of an experienced pastor, teacher, and scholar and the courage of a well-formed faith, Juan provides a roadmap from worship to daily life and back again. His genius is knowing the tradition so well that seeker and bishop will find what they are looking for."—Lisa Kimball, PhD, James Maxwell Professor of Lifelong Christian Formation, Virginia Seminary

"At the heart of Christian ritual is faith—faith in Jesus, the incarnate Son of God—but for many Christians, ritual can risk becoming a meaningless routine, leaving clergy and laity alike wondering 'what does all this mean?' Juan Oliver offers us the gift of 'disclosure of meaning' in this most helpful volume."—Louis Weil, James F. Hodges Professor of Liturgics Emeritus at the Church Divinity School of the Pacific

"The core of formation in discipleship is formation through and around liturgical action, and few are as qualified as Juan Oliver to lead us into such formation. A House of Meanings offers an evocative and accessible resource for practical liturgical formation, hitting some truly important notes: that the meanings of worship are many, not one; that they are meaning made by someone in the company of others; that they are made in conversation with the riches of the living tradition we practice. What a gem this book is!"—James Farwell, Virginia Theological Seminary

"Dr. Oliver has given us a clear and accessible resource for the study of liturgy and how it works. This volume will be invaluable to parish clergy as the basis for parish study groups and liturgy committee work. Seminarians and seasoned clergy will find it full of both helpful reminders and fresh insights."—J. Neil Alexander, Dean, Sewanee School of Theology

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